Sunday, September 30, 2007
Brady turns 3
Friday was Bradys 3rd Birthday. When he woke up of course in our bed I sang happy birthday & he put the covers over his head guess my singings not to good. Heath & I took him to McDonalds for his birthday. We were gonna take him to Shoneys but he wanted Old McDonald. Saturday was his train party. Well when the train guy got to the house he said he would ride it if he didn't blow the whistle well he changed his mind. He would not ride the train. How nice all that money & he refused to ride it. I guess its alright because Brooke & all the other 20 something kids enjoyed it. My parents got him a train set so he was excited about that. After Bradys party saturday morning we had another birthday party & a wedding so it was very busy weekend but a good one. Heath left for Vegas this morning for a work conference. I talked to him earlier & he and the guy he was with had just finished eating at Margaritaville & we heading to check out some of the casinos. Working hard already!! He will be home around 10pm tuesday night. We already miss him & although he will have to work some while there I am glad he is getting the opportunity to see Vegas. Wish I could have gone with him.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Science Night & Natalie
Thursday night we had open house, science night, pizza pizzaz & bookfair at Brookes school.
We had a really good time getting to meet some of the kids in the class. Brooke has finally learned all the kids names in her class & is doing good in school. Friday night Laura and Natalie came from Charleston. After we got all the kids down us mamas got together at Wendys around 9pm & talked until 2am. We had a good time but I could feel it on saturday. We stayed home all day trying to get the house ready for Bradys party this weekend. We did get all the girls together around noon and then Natalie spent the night. A bunch of us from church went to see Chondra Pierce in Hartsville saturday night and didn't get home until midnight. We called to check on the kids & Heath said they were all three asleep by 8:30. I thought thats pretty but they had played outside all day and were warn out.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Spirit Day & Weekend
Tuesday at school was wear your favorite team clothing to show your spirit. I almost didn't let her wear the notre dame outfit or shoes since they are horrible this year but I figured the kids her age wouldn't know that. I had an awanas meeting friday night & saturday so Heath had kid duty by himself. Well, Brooke woke up saturday with a fever so he took her to dr. while my mom kept Brady and luckily she just had a cold. I wanted to make sure she didn't have anything contagious as they had two birthday parties. He took them to Jakes party and then my mom kept Brady while Heath took Brooke to Carolyn Dawn (her best friend from school last year) birthday party at Wateree Gymnastics. Ofcourse no pictures since Heath "forgot" to take camera.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sesame Street Live
We were going to take the kids to Sesame Stree live on saturday but Heath & Brady played golf with some guys while Brooke and I went to a Mary Kay party saturday. Then we had a birthday party saturday night. Then after that Brooke and I went to Kaylas for a slumber party until about 10:30 pm since she won't spend the night away from me. The kids were tired but still enjoyed the show. You can look at Heaths face to see how much he enjoyed it, ha!! School is going great for Brooke. She has been a sunshine kids two weeks in a row and was the star student in gym last week. It means so much when everyone at the school talks about how good she is and I know that its all God and not me but I am so thankful that he blessed me with great children. Although they are not perfect they always make me so proud. I pray that everyone feels the same way about their children God gave them to me to raise. Her teachers come to our house tomorrow night for a conference so I am anxious to see what they have to say. They go to the home instead of us coming to her so she can just see what each childs home enviroment is like. If I don't get off here and start cleaning they are gonna think hers is dirty and messy.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Lemonade Stand & WIS TV

Well, the girls had the lemonade stand set up at IGA this weekend and with all three sales they raised over five hundred dollars. The girls are excited about getting to pick out gifts to send to kids who don't have anything for Christmas. Our children are so spoiled and they have no clue how bad others have it and to see them want to share at this age really makes you proud. WIS also came out saturday night & interviewed them. They were on the 11pm news saturday night & 6pm new sunday night. They also want to do a follow up story and tape them wrapping the shoes boxes when we get them fixed up and ready to send. Also, the Kershaw Current gave us all tickets for the Elmo show this weekend as a way to say thanks to the girls for the hard work.
I am keeping my nephew again tommorrow. I have attached a picture of what my kitchen looked like last thursday when he was at our house. I forget how babies get into everything. I was so tired at the end of the day but I am always excited to spend time with him. I have to take Heath to Columbia early in the morning to meet a guy he works with. They are going to Concord, NC with work and won't be home till friday night. He also gets to go to Vegas in a few weeks. I am not looking forward to doing the bed time routine by myself tomorrow night but I will manage. Its getting late so I am starting to ramble so I will stop now.
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