Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Christmas Parties, Santa comes to Awanas & Breakfast with Santa!
What a week! Tuesday night we went to our church Christmas party. Wednesday night we had a Birthday party for Jesus & Santa showed up in Cubbies to watch them do their pledges & sing the Cubbies song. I asked the Puggles (2 year olds) if they wanted to see Santa and they said No. We had a gift exchange and we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. Thursday we had Brookes class party. Brookes teacher loved her present. She had told me a long time ago she wanted one of these purses. The day after Thanksgiving la bag lady had them 50% off & her teacher had never seen the black &red. She is a georgia bulldogs graduate. Thursday night we had my work party at Old Armory & Friday night Heath & I went to a tacky Christmas party sweater. We had a great time but didn't get to stay that long. I called my mom to check on the kids and Brooke had been crying over thirty minutes for me. I think after being left three nights this week & getting to bed late she was just exhausted. Saturday morning we took the kids to breakfast with Santa at Candyland then went to Heaths aunts for another Christmas party. Last night we decided to stay home with the kids and spend time with just them. We ate dinner, made cupcakes, watched a Christmas movie then we all crashed at 9pm. I am looking forward to this week and if I don't post again I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Our little Mary & Boykin Parade
Brookes choir did their program Sunday morning and she did a great job as Mary. Her teacher even came to watch her. Then we met Marc, Sherri & Kendel & went to boykin parade. My boss had been asking us to come so we met up with her family and we were even on channel 19 news Sunday night. The kids picture is also suppose to be in the Chronicle one day this week. We have five Christmas parties this week starting tonight with our church one. Thank goodness this is also the last week of school.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Santa Claus!
Yesterday we were invited to the Thompsons to see Santa, make a Christmas Tree & eat cookies. Both the kids sat on Santas lap. Brooke asked for an ipod & razor scooter & Brady asked for a four wheeler. He said is that it and Brady said no & Santa said no sir? Brady looked up at him like what?? but he said no sir real quick. My dad always corrects him & makes him say sir & mam which I think is great and he needs to be doing that but it was funny coming from Santa. Santa also told them the story of Jesus birth & I thought that was awesome. Brooke is Mary in our childrens choir program today & we are going to the boykin parade this afternoon. Hope everyone is enjoying this busy but wonderful CHRISTmas season.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
We went to Heaths grandmothers and ate lunch on Thanksgiving & the kids got to play outside since it was so nice. Then we went to the Powers annual Christmas lighting. Both of the kids sat on Santas lap & told him what they wanted for Christmas. This was the first time Brooke has sat on his lap since she was ten months old. After that we went to my sisters and had Sonic with them & my parents. Friday morning Sherri & I left at 4:30am to go Christmas shopping. We met our husbands & kids for dinner at 6pm then went back out. I got home around 8:30pm so we had a long day of shopping but did get some good deals. The husbands did take them to the movies so the day didn't drag to bad for them. Saturday my brother & sister & their families came to watch the football game at our house then for dinner we had our families Thanksgiving meal. Sunday after church Heath took the kids to a birthday party at Bounce Around while I cleaned house. Last night we finally put our tree up & the kids had a good time decorating it. I love all the handmade ornaments & ones with pictures on them from when they were babies.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Julie is PREGO!!
Yes, Julie finally went to dr. today & she is right at 8 weeks pregnant. I have known for two weeks but had to keep quiet. She told no one and I told like five people and told them not to tell, lol! Her due date is July 6th. She got a call this morning that Hannah will probley remain in the foster home she is at right now until December 11th then the mom has the chance to get her back because she has stayed clean the last two drug tests. We will see what happens & pray that everything works out the way it should. She does not want to foster her if the mom has the chance to get her back. Doesn't want to get attached or the kids attached to her. Anyways, Happy Thanksgiving again! CONGRATS CYNTHIA & JOEY ON THE BIRTH OF ABIGAIL TODAY! SHE IS BEAUTIFUL. MAKE SURE YOU KEEP UPDATING YOUR BLOG SO WE CAN SEE HER IN ALL THOSE OUTFITS YOUR SISTER BOUGHT.
Thunderbash, my little indians, singing, book parade & Christmas list
Maybe I should blog more often so I want have so much to blog about or realize I don't have to blog everything I take a picture of. Last Monday Brooke got to attend a Bounce party at schoool for selling over $70 in fundraiser stuff. Wednesday night for awanas the kids had to dress like pilgrims/indians. Brooke has worn the same Old Navy costume for three years well she could barely move in it this year. Mom get ready to make a new one. My mom made Bradys outfit (thanks mom). Saturday the kids cut out pictures like they do every year to make Christmas lists for grandparents. Its crazy they don't play with half the toys they own but cut out atleast a thousand dollars worth of stuff. Now its ipods, digital cameras, razor scooters. Sunday Brookes choir sang their Thanksgiving songs.Monday Brookes school had book parade. Her class selected SkippyJon Jones which is about a white cat with black tail, black paws who thinks he's a dog when he looks in the mirror. My mom made her a cat costume (once again thanks mom) and I must say I don't normally like cats (sorry Margo) but she was one cute kitty. Yesterday Brookes class had pow wow day & the parents got to come and enjoy vegetable soup. I think that keeps you updated until Thanksgiving. Hope everyone has a great one. We have so much to be Thankful for. Right now I am really thankful Heath took today off & we don't go back to work until Monday.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
It's A Girl!
Yep, thats right its another baby for our family. Well, thank goodness its not me.
Jacob & Jadens birth mother gave birth almost two weeks ago to a little girl she named Hannah. They are working on getting Julies foster license switched from two kids to three so hopefully if all goes well she will get the baby this week. Not sure she will get to adopt this one as the mom will once again get the chance to get her act together and get the baby back. Well, she didn't with Jacob & Jaden & that should all be finalized December 18th so chances are she won't this time either. I will post pics as soon as she arrives.
Jacob & Jadens birth mother gave birth almost two weeks ago to a little girl she named Hannah. They are working on getting Julies foster license switched from two kids to three so hopefully if all goes well she will get the baby this week. Not sure she will get to adopt this one as the mom will once again get the chance to get her act together and get the baby back. Well, she didn't with Jacob & Jaden & that should all be finalized December 18th so chances are she won't this time either. I will post pics as soon as she arrives.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Flowers & Babysitting
Well, I will follow up with my last blog that said vote. I did vote & the one I voted for didn't win so I will once again just say pray, pray & pray some more.
Heath & I are doing the love dare book so Wednesday he brought home these flowers since the book said to buy your spouse something that day. I ofcourse totally forgot and he comes home from work with flowers. The kids & I had just gotten home from Piggly Wiggly to buy brocoli. I said well I bought brocoli for the rice & brocoli casserole I am making for your thanksgiving lunch at work tomorrow. I am not real sure if that counted but I thought it was sweet that he remembered.We babysat Jacob & Jaden tonight and Jaden loves to go get Brookes purse and pull everything out of it and put on the jewelry. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Don't forget to get out there and vote today & pray, pray, and pray some more. Our kids will be selling lemonade, cookies, doughnuts and other goodies at Lugoff Elgin Middle today so stop by if you get a chance or if you are voting there. Brooke & Brady have the 11am-1pm shift. The money is for Operation Christmas child.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Trunk or Treat
Friday night our church celebrated with Trunk or Treat. We have over thirty families decorate their trunks and my kids got way more candy then they needed. Yes, thats my mom dressed as Raggedy Ann. She loves Halloween - she was Tina Turner one year. Brooke ofcourse was Dorothy, Brady was the lion, my nephew Aaron was a scarecrow, Jacob was the tinman and Jaden was a lolipop gil. We managed to trick or treat at my neighbors first (Brookes teachers house) and then headed to the church. Brooke also won a cake playing the cakewalk at church and she got so excited about that. The kids had a great time and were worn out. We had to get up early for Brookes last soccer game but the kids had a great time.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Brookes choir sang in church Sunday morning and I could actually hear her on some parts. She usually doesn't sing but just moves her mouth. Monday night we decorated pumpkins they had to have for awanas last night. Heaths carving skills aren't that great so we played it safe this year and just stuck to decorating. Last night after I put Brooke to bed I went downstairs to clean up and found this note written on the napkin. I thought it was really sweet and had to come up and kiss her one more time while she slept.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A little late on posting but have been busy. Week before last I went on a field trip with Brookes class to Finley park and to see Junie B. Jones. This picture of her class was taken at the park. Last Sunday Heath & I left for Jacksonville, Florida. We had a great trip & the hotel was so nice. Monday he was at his marketing booth in the hotel from 7am-5pm. I left the hotel around 9:30 & drove 30 minutes to St. Augustine to shop at the outlets. I stayed at the outlets from 10am until 4pm. It was so nice to not have to rush & to buy without hearing do the kids really need that? lol! Monday night Heath & I went to Ruby Tuesdays & to see the movie Fireproof. The movie was awesome & Heath & I are now doing the bible study that goes along with it. I would recommend this to all couples. Tuesday Heath had a breakfast & then we hit the road. We stopped at the Hilton Head outlets on the way home at got back around 5pm to get the kids. It was great to get away and spend time together but I was ready to get home to my babies. We also had another "date" Thurday night my parents kept the kids all night & we went to the Rascall Flatts concert. Brooke got her report card Friday and made the A honor roll so after he soccer game & a birthday party yesterday we took the kids to see High School Musical 3. Hope everyone has a great week.
Monday, October 13, 2008
We got to the fair around 3p.m. Friday and the kids rode rides for about two hours. The weather was perfect and it wasn't crowded. The kids were able to just walk on most rides. They never had to wait more then a couple of minutes. We ate and looked at the animals then we went to the Sugarland concert. We had great seats. We were row 7 right in the middle. The kids love Sugarland and Brooke couldn't believe it was really them when they came on the stage. They put on a great show as always.
Brady slep thru most of it but Brooke really enjoyed it. The guy behind us caught one of the guitar picks and gave it to Brooke. Saturday morning Brooke had a soccer game (they won) and pictures. Heath went to the Notre Dame game with our neighbor and even though they lost he still had a great time. Brooke and I are going on a field trip tommorrow to see a Junie B. Jones play. Anyone with kids around that age needs to get some of her books. They are so funny. Anyways, Hope everyone has a great week. If I don't post again pray for Heath & I as we are leaving Sunday to go on a business trip. He is going to Jacksonville, Florida and I decided since it was just him going and no other coworkers I would tag along. I am a little nervous about leaving the kids but am looking forward to spending time together. We will be home Tuesday night.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
getting ready for halloween

We decorated our house for fall & halloween this weekend. The kids have now decided they want to wear the costumes we bought last year. They changed their minds at the last minute. Brooke is going to be Dorothy & Brady is going to be the lion from the Wizard of Oz. Well Bradys costume still fits but Brookes is to small. I think my nephew Aaron is going to be a scarecrow & Jacob is going to be the tin man. Julie is still trying to find Jaden a toto costume. Thought these were cute picture of them in Halloweens past.
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