Well, school started and now things are even crazier so I am late posting. We celebrated Jadens first birthday last weekend. We also had Tys football party last weekend so the kids got to break out the Notre Dame stuff early this year. Brooke also started soccer last week and really enjoyed her first practice. We went to Charleston Friday and came home last night for Cynthias baby shower. (Don't kill me Margo), lol! It was a short trip but Chad got us a free room with his points so we couldn't pass it up. We did a little shopping and had a great time at the shower. Cynthia and her family are close friends of our family and her sister Jennifer and I are still great friends. They were excited to see the new kids and we are so excited for Cynthia & Joey. They have gone thru alot to have this baby and we are so glad the Lord has blessed them and can't wait to meet Abigail Mia Colson. Hope everyone has a great labor day!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
First day of school & babies coming home
Brooke had a great first day of school. Here are some pics we took this morning before school. Heath was able to come to the school this morning and see her in the classroom but then flew out for Minnesota for meetings. He will be home around midnight tommorrow night so just a short trip. Also, my sister had the kids this weekend and when they took them back Sunday night the kids cried and so they decided to let Julie & Chad get them for good tommorrow at 2pm instead of waiting until Friday. We are so excited!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Meet the Teacher

Thursday night we went to Meet the Teacher. We actually spent the afternoon helping Brookes teacher get her room ready. Her teacher Mrs. Paul is our next door neighbor. Its great she is going into first grade already knowing her teacher so well. She spent a lot of time this summer playing with Mrs. Pauls children. Here is a picture taken in the lunch room with her friends Grace, Colby & McKenna. My friend Laurie sent me this picture since I forgot to bring my camera.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
an email from Julie

Hi Everyone!I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone again for their prayers and support-they are greatly appreciated. Chad and I were able to have Jacob and Jaden spend the weekend with us and we had a blast! They are such lovable children! We played sidewalk chalk, colored, and went to Sonic for icecream. Chad and I were worried that Jacob would be scared at bedtime, being in a new place with new people, but he was so brave-he nevered cried-an answer to prayer.He loves to play "tickle monster" and is truly full of energy. Jaden is just as laid back as her caregivers described her to be. She has cute little dimples and loves to play in the floor with her brother. She loves to open and close the kitchen cabinets and has already tried to figure out the child safety locks on them.We also got to see Jaden take her first steps Friday night, which was great-she giggled, took three steps to me and plopped down as if she were exhausted. It was adorable. We took the children back to the children's home on Sunday afternoon after church. This was difficult-but we're just counting down the days until their are home with us at last. Chad and I were both able to go see them last night and I will be going again today. It gets more difficult to leave them each time we go and visit, but we want them to see us as often as possible, so that we can become more familiar to them. I will continue to keep updating as often as possible. Thanks again, Chad & Julie
Charleston & Aaron turns two
We left Thursday afternoon and headed to Charleston for a little mini vacation before school starts. We got to eat & spend time with my friend Jennifer & her family Thursday night. The guys even kept the kids while we shopped. Friday morning we picked up Brookes friend Natalie & headed to Isle of Palms for the day. One of my bestest friends from middle school met us there with her two boys. It had been a few years since I had seen Margo but we still keep in touch and I am so thankful for the friendship we still have. She is a great person & you can view her blog by looking under my friends list. Saturday we got up and headed to Branchville for my nephews 2nd birthday party. We spent a few hours there then met my friend Heather & her family in Santee for dinner and I got to see her two boys and three week old baby girl. Heather & Henry moved about a year ago & I still miss her sooo much. She was my closest friend but I am glad they are happy where they are. We finally made it home around 8pm to meet Jacob & Jaden. It was a great way to end our summer. I have enjoyed having Brooke home and we had a great summer but I am ready for 1st grade next week. Brooke will be in Mrs. Pauls class which is our next door neighbor. Hope everyone has a great week.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Meet Jacob & Jaden
My sister & Chad picked Jacob & Jaden up Friday afternoon and they spent the weekend with them. They had a great time with then and I must admit I loved seeing their house messy, lol!
Chad said he will never say anything to me again. Jaden is very clingy to Julie but she is use to being around woman. Chad said she is going to be a daddys girl she just doesn't know it yet. Jaden also cried tonight when they left after going to visit them. They are trying to get them again for the weekend and they are going to spend more time at the childrens center this week. They were suppose to get them for good August 21st but since Jadens birthday is the 22nd they let the parents visit with the child on their birthday so now they won't get them until the afternoon of her birthday.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Hello Everyone!Chad and I had our second visit with Jacob and Jaden today and it was much harder to leave them today than it was on Monday, but we are thankful for the time that we were able to spend with them. We arrived at dinner time and I was able to feed Jaden her noodle casserole and mushed fruit. I was able to see a little bit of her temper for the first time as she let me know with a high pitched grunt and a reddened face that she was full! Her caregivers say that she can get quite the little attitude sometimes, but thankfully it only lasts for a few seconds. We'll just say the temper comes with the red hair! ha. Chad spent most of his time with Jacob, as Jaden is not used to men (the cottage care takers are mostly women) We also got to see him pout, poochy lip and all-it was adorable. They told him that he had to eat his vegetables in order to get dessert, so he had himself a little pouting session, which lasted for a few minutes. After dinner we spent a little over an hour in the playroom with Jacob and Jaden and the other children at the cottage. Jaden loves my cell phone and pocket book and Jacob....well, he's all boy and seems to like any type of toy you place in front of him. Although Chad and I are anxious for the children to be at home with us, they are being well taken care of. Their caregivers are wonderful loving people, which gives us peace of mind. Chad and I prayed that they were being read to, tucked in at night, etc and we found out tonight that they are-another answer to prayer. God is so good!!! We get to have them here this weekend and then they will be placed in our home on the 21st of this month, one day before Jaden's 1st birthday!! I want to thank everyone for their cards, emails, calls, etc. I'm sorry that I have not responded to everyone's voicemails-it's just easier to send out one email rather than tell the same information over and over again. And for those who have asked, we have not registered yet, but when we do, it will probably just be at Target since our "Babies R Us" is quite a long drive from here. Our church will be throwing us a shower on Sunday, September 7th so we'll register sometime between now and then. Thanks again for all of your love and support. I"ll email with another update after this weekend. Chad & Julie Teal
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Friday night we went to Mackenzies b'day party at the pool, Saturday we went to Olivias party at Bounce around & I went to Rachels baby shower. Sunday we had a going away to college shower for Frankie. It was busy but fun. We are leaving thursday afternoon to go down to Charleston for the weekend. We are taking the kids to the beach, visiting with friends, shopping at the outlets then Saturday we have my nephews birthday party. Hope everyone has a great week and weekend since I won't be posting again until after the trip. Again, thanks to all who have told me they are praying for my sister and please continue to keep them in your prayers.
Hi Everyone! We finally got to meet our future children today for the first time. Jacob is 2 1/2 and Jaden will be one on August 22nd and they are of course the cutest things we've ever seen! We can not begin to describe just how much joy we felt in meeting them. Please continue to pray for us, as Jaden's adoption process is going to be a more difficult one than Jacob's. The state could come take her back into custody if her father follow his court ordered "treatment plan" We also recently learned that the birth mother is pregnant again, so if her rights are completely terminated, then we will also be able to adopt the newborn as well. So, we will then have 3 children-God truly does have a sense of humor!!! We will see the children again this Wednesday and then, they will come home with us for the weekend for a 'trial run' If all goes well and the paper work is completed, we should have them in our home for good within a few weeks. Please pray that God will grant Chad and I patience as we just CAN NOT wait to bring them home. We have seen God's hand throughout this entire process and feel strongly that He handpicked these children for us. So, please keep us in your prayers as we begin the "legal battle" to obtain custody of them. We will keep you posted as we know more. Thank you all for your love, friendship, prayers and support! Chad & Julie
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