Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Ok, just in case some of you were wondering yes that was my baby girl on the front of the Camden Chronicle yesterday. Humor me and just pretend you read it because I am so proud.
I think my parents bought every extra copy left but if you get a hold of one and want it signed she will sign them for a small fee, lol!!! Also, they will be doing another lemonade stand in the next few weeks so I will let everyone know when it is and you can come buy you a cup.


Rebecca said...

I did see the photo - she is so cute.

Rachel said...

I saw her and she was so excited!! I cannot believe she is old enough to start school!!

Margo said...

What's this? Is Brooke a star??

And by the way, I am ready to try for number three, but Mike won't let me!! I'm going to talk him into it though. it's just a matter of time. I can be a rather patient person when need be. ;-)

Jenn Ward said...

yes, she was a star!!! You go ahead with #3, I heard its not much different then having 2 but am NOT gonna find out for myself.
Good luck talking Mike into it.

Margo said...

Thanks. ;-) I'll keep you updated!