Well, the girls had the lemonade stand set up at IGA this weekend and with all three sales they raised over five hundred dollars. The girls are excited about getting to pick out gifts to send to kids who don't have anything for Christmas. Our children are so spoiled and they have no clue how bad others have it and to see them want to share at this age really makes you proud. WIS also came out saturday night & interviewed them. They were on the 11pm news saturday night & 6pm new sunday night. They also want to do a follow up story and tape them wrapping the shoes boxes when we get them fixed up and ready to send. Also, the Kershaw Current gave us all tickets for the Elmo show this weekend as a way to say thanks to the girls for the hard work.
I am keeping my nephew again tommorrow. I have attached a picture of what my kitchen looked like last thursday when he was at our house. I forget how babies get into everything. I was so tired at the end of the day but I am always excited to spend time with him. I have to take Heath to Columbia early in the morning to meet a guy he works with. They are going to Concord, NC with work and won't be home till friday night. He also gets to go to Vegas in a few weeks. I am not looking forward to doing the bed time routine by myself tomorrow night but I will manage. Its getting late so I am starting to ramble so I will stop now.
Hope your night alone is going well! I hate when I have to travel with work, so it's no fun either way I guess! While it is a break from the routine, I hate not seeing Dean & Emery each day.
WOW, that was a mess! I sort of don't miss the "baby" days as much now that they are a little older! I know, I will regret saying that in 10 years, right?!
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