Well, the kids and I were in an accident last tuesday that was my fault. I pulled out in front of a girl that actually goes to my church. I did not see her and well anyways thank goodness the kids were alright. Its also a good thing I started working at a body shop a few weeks ago.
We were actually on the way to James Ervin to look at a Tahoe since the lease on my jeep is almost over. Ofcourse nothings gone wrong in two years on the jeep and right before its due back I wreck it. This was really hard on me at first because it was Brookes door that got hit and I keep thinking what could have happened but God truly had a hedge of protection around us because it could have been alot worse and the kids were not injured. ANYWAYS,
Our good friends the Morgan leave for Alabama in the morning so we had a girls sleepover friday night and Brooke and I had a great time. It was Brookes first sleepover and she made me lay with her until she fell asleep but it was still worth it. We went to see the lights at Saluda Shoals friday night & went to Kaylas birthday party saturday morning at Build a Bear. Laurie took all of the "CobbleStone Kids" pictures together one last time before they leave. We also had a pot luck for them as well last night. Luckily Ana had to create a blog for online classes and now is going to make one for all the girls to keep in touch, right Ana????? Hope everyone has a good week!!
Glad you are all okay. I love the tree! We will miss you Friday!
I am glad that you and the kids are OK. Hope you all are having a great holiday season.
Glad to hear everyone is okay and no one was injuried!! Girl, don't you know how to drive, LOL!! J/K! The kids look adorable decorating the tree!
That gives me chills. Thank God you guys are OK.
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