Last wednesday night was camo night at awanas. Who would have thought Brookes Christmas present to Heath and Brady would come in handy so soon. She bought those hats for them at the awana store for Christmas. 
Friday Brooke rode home with Colby (her friend from school). They live on a horse farm in Camden so she got to ride horses and even lead Colby. Brady & I were even invited so he rode as well but made me hold his hand the whole time. Saturday morning Wendy called and invited us to Edventure with her and Laurie and the kids. We had a good time then had a picnic at Finley park afterwards. Yesterday since school was out we went to Leapin Lizards with Laurie & the kids. Its over on Forest Drive and is pretty much like Bounce around. They have the inflatables, a train table, kitchen set, puppet area, dress up area. The kids had a blast and then crashed early last night. We had a great long weekend. Is anyone else having trouble getting pictures to upload or stay in an order? It took forever for these to upload, oh well!! Hope everyone is having a good week.
Edventure is a lot of fun!! We might be coming out your way in April.
We might be coming for a couple of days to go to the spring game and the zoo. I'll let you know. April is a busy month for us so I'm not sure if we'll have the extra cash.
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