Friday night we went to Five Guys and to Hannah Montana 3D movie. Brooke really enjoyed it. I am kind of scared because the little girls in front of us were probley 8 or 9 and when the Jonas Brothers were singing they were going crazy clapping and waving their hands in the air. I am not sure I am going to be able to handle Brooke acting that way in a few years. Saturday Heath & Brady went to the Monster Truck show with Marc & the boys. Brooke went to upward basketball with a girl from church. Sheri and I shopped all day without kids. You forget how nice that is. Heath said Brady enjoyed the show except 15 minutes into it her said he was ready to go.
Brady has been doing so good at night and has slept in his bed all night the last two nights. At three I know he should have been doing this all along but in three years he has not slept all night long but maybe five or six times. He normally wakes up three or four times for apple juice. Well last month after some very long nights he has stopped doing it but still ended up in our bed during the night but has been doing great. I am just hoping it sticks. My new camera card is having issued with uploading so this is old but one of my favorites of the kids.
Aww! What a sweet picture. I love going back and looking at Brady's old pics. It's hard to believe how much they change...
I could deal with the monster trucks, but Hannah Montana would make me yack. Maybe it's a good thing I only have boys.
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