Monday, June 16, 2008

Ball team party & buzz cut

Friday night we went to Satos with all my family since my brother and his family came up for the weekend. Saturday Brooke had her baseball team pool party and she got her trophy. We also had Toris party at wateree gymnastics and Graces party at the church so we had a very busy but fun day. Today while I was at work Brady called and asked me if he could shave his head or get a mohawk. I told him no way it will look silly and he said I want to look silly. Well, my dad talked me into letting him take him to get a buzz cut. He is so proud of his new do but I am definetly making him grow it back out. Last night didn't go so well with them staying at my parents. Brady stayed up till after 10 and Brooke until after 11 then they were both up off and on all night and got up at 8. Well Brooke never gets up before 9 during summer so I am not sure my mom is gonna let them stay every Sunday night after all. They are exhausted and start swim lessons this evening so I hope they can hang that long without crashing. Oh, Brookes choir also sang for fathers day. Not the best picture since she was right behind the microphone.

1 comment:

Margo said...

He doesn't even look like the same kid! He looks like 3 years older!