The kids started awanas Wednesday night and Brady said he changed his mind he doesn't want to be in Cubbies because its way to long. I told him to give it a few weeks he would like it. Brooke got her progress report Thursday and has all A's so we hope she keeps that up. She also had her first soccer game Thursday night. They won the game but it wasn't because of her. She doesn't even attempt to kick the ball. Heath told her he would give her fifty cents each time she kicked the ball. They had a game Saturday morning and won again. He owed her one whole dollar for kicking it twice. Friday afternoon Julie and I took the kids to the zoo and then Friday night we went to the Lugoff Camden football game. Saturday Brooke had her soccer game and a birthday pary for one of the girls in her class. I had a bridal shower and Heath and I had a couples shower Saturday night in Blythewood for one of his coworkers so it was a busy weekend. He & one of the guys he works with left this morning for Williamsburg Virginia and will be home late Tuesday night. Hope everyone has a great week.
I have that exact same picture of Stephen feeding those hungry goats - even from the same angle and everything.
Glad to see the Julie is doing well.
50 cents, huh? :-) Sounds like a good deal to me!
That Julie - not the julie. duh.
This is regarding my Awana post that you commented on... In our first lesson a few weeks ago, I tried to teach the kids to say "God Made Me" which was the point of our little lesson. They really didn't get it that night. But the other day (several weeks later) Brady just busted out with "God Made Me" while Hank was reading to him! We were amazed!
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