Well, I posted back in May that our summer wasn't very busy well turns out it has been very busy but the best one yet. I honestly don't think I have heard the kids say I am bored one time. From cheer camps, vbs, vacations, the pool & movies we have stayed busy. On Sunday nights the kids have been spending the night with my parents all summer so I can work Mondays. Heath & I usually use that time to go buy groceries - very exciting I know. We joined the pool since some of the neighbors did and we usually go atleast 3 times a week. The kids love being up there swimming with there friends. We have also enjoyed some free movies but not every week since they start at 10am and my kids don't get up until after 9 each morning. Heath went to the beach for a guys weekend in June & I went for a girls weekend as well. The biggest event in June was ofcourse the birth of my neice. They have kept us busy this summer as well. The kids love going to their house. Never a dull moment with a 3 year old, 23 month old, 8 months old and newborn.
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