The kids are enjoying the new trampoline. I forgot how much fun they are but I am so out of shape that is wears me out. The kids don't want to jump unless I get on. They like the extra 110 lbs. that jumps them up ( ok so maybe the 110 lbs is not true but its a new years resolution I am working on - just wishful thinking I guess - ha!) anyways they like to just sit and let me do all the work popping them up. Anyways we are enjoying it. Hope everyone is having a great week and getting back into the routine after the holidays.
Oops - I just realized this was the day it was really cold last week so yes Brady has on Brookes hat, mittens and scarf and old jacket, oh well!!
Does the boy not have his OWN jacket, mittens and hat?!?! THat poor second child gets ALL the hand-me-downs!
Sounds like you are enjoying the trampoline as much as the kids!
if I were 110 I'd blow away. I don't even like to talk about how much I weight theses days. Ugh.
trust me the 110lbs was a joke!
I weigh more than I ever have since I was pregnant!
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