Saturday, May 24, 2008


Brooke had her spring program yesterday. Her class sang Zipp a dee doo daa & then all the kindergarten classes sang 1st grade 1st grade together. It was really cute. Then we went back to the class room and watched the class video. We had a little get together for all our family friday night to celebrate. Heath & I finally got her the vera bradley bookbag she has been wanting for months. Thanks to Sheri she got the lunch box for her birthday & has wanted the book bag to match ever since. She was so excited and since she had a great year it was worth it. Only one more week of school left and hopefully things will slow down & we can enjoy the summer.


Rachel said...

Congratulations Brooke! She looks really excited about the bag---I cannot believe she gave up the Tinker Bell for a Vera Bradley. I also love your new living room--it looks great (and ready for hosting something)!!

Margo said...

Vera Bradley? I just don't get the whole Vera Bradley thing. What's the big thing about these bags?? I guess I never did have a great sense of fashion. ;)

Leslie Spradley said...

Love your new bag Brooke, our kids are more spoiled today than we were! KILLEN ME!