Sunday, August 12, 2007

Aaron turns 1

Well, my nephew turned 1 on the 7th and we had his birthday party last saturday in bamberg.

He is so sweet and we had a great time. We had a neighborhood yardsale that morning to and Brooke and some of her friends had a lemonade stand and made 74 dollars. They were raising money for Operation Christmas Child. One of my neighbors sent the story to the chronicle & they are suppose to be in it tomorrow so we will see.

Since its been awhile since I have posted I am including a few other pictures. One is of the kids at Carsons birthday party. Thursday night Brooke went to Vacation Bible School with her friend Caroline Dawn that she went to school with last year. Heath and Brady went to play golf while we were there.

Brooke starts school a week from tomorrow so we are going to try to enjoy this week together.
Heath is off thursday and friday so we are going to the beach thursday - saturday with all my family.


Leslie Spradley said...

What a great way to raise money for the kids! I bet they enjoyed themselves!

Margo said...

Happy birthday to Aaron! He really is a cutie!

My neice turns one next month. Time is flying!