Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Friday night we went to Mackenzies b'day party at the pool, Saturday we went to Olivias party at Bounce around & I went to Rachels baby shower. Sunday we had a going away to college shower for Frankie. It was busy but fun. We are leaving thursday afternoon to go down to Charleston for the weekend. We are taking the kids to the beach, visiting with friends, shopping at the outlets then Saturday we have my nephews birthday party. Hope everyone has a great week and weekend since I won't be posting again until after the trip. Again, thanks to all who have told me they are praying for my sister and please continue to keep them in your prayers.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Jacob and Jaden are precious! I hope all goes well for Julie and will be thinking about her. I love when she says "God sure does have a sense of humor"--too funny that they are blessed with 3 babies!! Enjoy your trip.